About Us

We Believe in Quality

A Farm to Table Butcher

Matt took inspiration to become a butcher at a young age from a friendly neighbour. Words rang true that the art of butchering was a dying trade and people valued the knowledge and fresh produce from their local butcher. Matt completed his apprenticeship at the Iconic (and unfortunately no longer) Dubrovnik Butchers in Bayswater. While completing his training, they opened a second shop at the Kingsway Shopping Centre, which saw Matt become the manager due to his determination and commitment to the trade. Eventually the Kingsway shop sold, Matt moved on to another institutional butcher in the northern suburbs, where he spent more than a decade finetuning his skills and giving him the eventual confidence to branch out into his own shop.

North Beach Gourmet Butcher opened in March 2019. Matt has been enjoying this journey, catering to the needs our wonderful customers and community, running a small team and developing ongoing relationships with the best suppliers WA has to offer.



“Five Stars!”

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